Tuesday 10 August 2010

I started my driving career 15 years ago whilst working for the Ministry of Defence, it was here that I developed 4x4 off road skills through driving land rovers which required additional and specialised skills not utilised in either everyday urban or long distance driving. During this time I was assigned as a personal driver to some of the Army's top Colonels and Brigadiers where I gained knowledge of security awareness, ABS appreciation and collision avoidance manoeuvres, and chauffeur protocol/etiquette. Since then I have worked hard to become more than just an average ADI, providing Driver Education and Occupational Road Risk Management to organisations such as BT Open Reach, Scottish Power, Sainsbury's and ASDA stores, Jaguar/Land Rover, and Pilkingtons Glass. An ADI has to wear many different hats in order to evolve in our ever changing Industry; in order to progress and keep up with competitors the key is to not just demonstrate conventional driving styles and coaching techniques but, crucially, have the ability to demonstrate a blend of styles to suit various requirements, be it RoSPA, DSA, IAM, DIAmond or ADI part 3 training. I am currently involved with providing CPD training to fellow ADI's and PDI's Nation Wide. To view my company websites follow the links ..                         http://www.prodrivingsolutions.com/        

Alternatively call me on 07753280465 or Email colin@prodrivingsolutions.com  for an informal chat,

Colin Knight,

1 comment:

  1. Our education system only teaches about basic driving skills which are utilized everyday life but we didn't demonstrate the emergency techniques which can save many teens life's.

    Joshua's Law
